Already added: Technikore & Firelite & JTS - Close To Me

When you come close to me

Do you feel your heart beating fast
When you come close to me
I can see your eyes shining brighter
When you come close to me

Do you feel your soul holding back
When you come close to me
Don't you see there's no pretending anymore
When you come close to me

When you come close to me
[...] we're floating high
When you come close to me

It feels so nice
When you come close to me
It feels alright
When you come close to me

When you come close to me

When you come close to me
[...] we're floating high
When you come close to me

When you come close to me
  • Release
  • Close To Me

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DaHunger 3 years, 8 months ago
Sparks fly, become light
When you come close to me
[.. rise,] we're floating high
When you come close to me
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