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Nagazaki - Perfect Angle lyrics

And then, you think you're gonna get married and you're gonna have a happy family?
You're gonna-
- Stop!
- Sit down!
- Stop, I said!
- Shut up and sit down
- No!
- Sit still, sit still, sit still

Shut the fuck up!
- Jesus loves me because my bible tells me so
- Say it
- Yes, Jesus loves me because my bible tells me so

His six-year-old daughter had the good sense to hide in the bathroom
But reports suggest he lured her out by telling her it was just a game
The girl was found shot once in the chest from point-blank range
The mother, who he shot in the stomach, was pregnant at the time

We also saw this dog with a banana

Don't touch that dial now
We're just getting started
Look behind you
I said look behind you

Cover: Nagazaki - Perfect Angle
  • Perfect Angle

  • Year
  • 2023

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Top achievedBETA
#1 Daily Breakcore/IDM

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