By username:

10 years, 6 months ago Sad Update news
Rest in peace atom I'll always wear my lolo shirts in honor to you thanks for them and these 2 amazing websites
10 years, 10 months ago Lololyrics on LSDB news
just saw that hstop40 only tells to submit, but telling to submit or request is much better :D btw now it looks better that all lolo and buy links are in separate columns :D
10 years, 10 months ago Lololyrics on LSDB news
great news :D but why don't they tell that the users can request a lyric, like it is on hardstyle top40? due to all the previews?
11 years, 2 months ago 6 Years of Lololyrics news
Code Black: "It's finally here for you all, a present from myself and @Audiofreqdj Share, re-post and enjoy.. *we had to wait for this day...
11 years, 3 months ago Top 2012 & Highlights news
free tracks :fist: can't imagine what atom has on his do-to list for 2013 :D :alien:
11 years, 6 months ago Fancy charts, continuous play and other stuff news
all I read: "Now you can be lazy" and something about free tracks xD the soundcloud next player is a little bit to big for the chat imo but awesome updates :D
11 years, 7 months ago Avast, me hearties! Talk Like a Pirate Day! news
I like Heatzone & Captain Syndrome - We Sail The Seas :dafuqthereisnopiratsmiley: