Already added: Digital Punk & Level One & Nolz - Revolt

  • Release
  • 2023

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cicciopaci2012 1 year ago
Possible options for the missing part:
but I prefer solution OR you'll prefer solution OR you all prefer solution
Payne 1 year ago

Stand up for what you believe in
Even if it means standing alone
Don't be afraid of being different
Be afraid of being the same as everyone else

It is time to make a stand
And let the world know
That we are the revolution

Stand up - revolution!

I'm the preacher of your church
I'm your morphine when it hurts
Some say I'm the plague, [..] solution
If you're feeling me, join my revolution

Stand up - revolution!



Stand up - revolution!

It is time to make a stand
And let the world know
That we are the revolution

I'm the preacher of your church
I'm your morphine when it hurts
Some say I'm the plague, [..] solution
If you're feeling me, join my revolution

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