Already added: Rebelion & Villain ft. Micah Martin - Life Or Death
(Find me awaken) by the light
I'ma sleep no more
All the dreams I've had
I cannot restore

Find me alone inside the night
We don't want this war
It can't be that bad
But we got boots on the floor

This is life or death
We just need to take a breath
Is this over yet?
It's kind of easy to forget

You only have one life to live
So just do it without regret
The time is set, don't ever regret
It's only one life you have
It's life or death

Take a deep breath

It's only one life you have
It's life or death

I'll give you all that I've got
Until there's nothing left
Till my final rest

This is life or death
We just need to take a breath
The time is set, don't ever regret
It's only one life you have
It's life or death

Kind of easy to forgot
We just need to take a breath
And remember that it's easy to forget
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  • Life Or Death

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