Already added: D-Charged & John Harris - Remedy
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  • Remedy

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KattaLord 3 years, 1 month ago
It think it is

I got the remedy
It's in the melody
It's in the soul and in the funkiest style
And with the melody
It's time to sing with me
The jazzy flavor got my mind running wild
buurthuis 3 years, 4 months ago
Second break is:

I've got the remedy
It's in the melody
I've got the remedy
I've got the melody
Payne 3 years, 4 months ago
Jazz is a special way of performing music
Let me give you my definition of Jazz

I got the remedy
It's in the melody
It's in the soul and in the funkiest [...] (style?)
And with the (melody?)
It's time to [...] with me (stay?)
The jazzy flavor got my mind running wild

Together around the world
Around the world, baby
The jazzy flavor got my mind running wild

I've got the remedy
It's in the melody

I got the ...

The jazzy flavor got my mind running wild
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