Already added: Angerfist - Bare Knuckle Fist
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  • Bare Knuckle Fist

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Payne 4 years, 9 months ago
Can't make it all out, maybe someone else understands more:

Yeah, ah
Time do this
Gonna go with the hardcore sounds straight
Fire, droppin' bombs like

[...] with the hard shit
I will fight to the [...]

You better (shut/sat) down
You better back off
You better not flinch
'Cause we need to blast off (blast off [?x])

Bare knuckle fist
Don't make me pissed or
I'll punch you in the teeth
And leave you in a ditch

Bare knuckle fist

Or I'll punch you in the teeth
And leave you in a ditch

Time do this
You better shut down
You better back off
You better not flinch
'Cause we need to blast off (blast off [?x])

Bare knuckle fist
Don't make me pissed or
I'll punch you in the teeth
And leave you in a ditch

Punch you in the teeth
In the teeth

Leave you in a ditch
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