Already added: Gancher & Ruin - Insider
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  • Divergence LP

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cicciopaci2012 4 years, 6 months ago
SDF destroyer inbound

pull up, pull up (can be heard at 2:20 )

[...]is down
djhandedout 4 years, 9 months ago
One day they'll come

SDF destroyer inbound

[…] is down
Would you kindly come to the chat?
Payne 5 years ago
Taken from 'Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare'. Can't make it all out

Our world is just beginning
One day [...]
We will break them
We will eradicate the authority of the Earth

This place isn't yours anymore

[...] (destroy) [...]

Our world is just beginning
One day [...]
We will break them
We will eradicate the authority of the Earth

This place isn't yours anymore


It is not enough to break free
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