Already added: Wasted Penguinz - Euphoria
I hear my own breath
It falls into rythm of movement
My eyes drink in the warm low light

No thought
Only bliss
Adapting to the darkness
And my entirety delights
When i meet your loving gaze, Our hands touch
Our feet intertwined
And then your lips soft-like meet mine
For tonight, We dance.

I hear my own breath
It falls into rythm of movement
My eyes drink in the warm low light
No thought
Only bliss
Adapting to the darkness
And my entirety delights
When i meet your loving gaze, Our hands touch
Our feet intertwined
And then your lips soft-like meet mine
For tonight, We dance.

(mine, mine, mine)
For tonight, We dance.
  • Release
  • Euphoria

  • Genre

  • Requested by

  • Status
  • Added

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wilco594535 6 years, 1 month ago
Since you already seem to know the lyrics: You should add new lyrics under "Add lyric"
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