Request: Pradera and Sasha F - To Da Max
Push me to the max
You make me taste the jubilation
You could be [...] up to me
You got no work, ain't got no home
You could be [...] up to me
Push me to the max
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14 years ago
For me it is:
Push me to the max
You make me taste the jubilation
You push the feeling up to me
You got no work, you got no home
You push the feeling up to me
Push me to the max
But for sure: Hard to understand!
14 years, 12 months ago
cool song
14 years, 12 months ago
Push me to the max
You make me taste the jubilation
You could be [...] up to me
You got no work, ain't got no home
You could be [...] up to me
Push me to the max
Va fan, intrige!

14 years, 12 months ago
Fuck, that why I hate type in English.
I'm sorry then, but I only can understand the part that it was already filled.
15 years ago
you make me taste the jubilation
is the first line of that 4 line bit.
15 years ago
They do work cakezz, just make sure you don't typo and write "youtbe"

15 years ago
don;t know if what I wrote above is correct, it was just a guess
15 years ago
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