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Holy Ghost - 4 AM At The Crying Cactus lyrics

I found myself in a bar one time down in New Mexico
It was a dark and dank kind of place
It was populated by six foot insects with wings
Some of them were drinking
And some of them were just cleaning themselves and shit
Anyhow, I got into a conversation with one of them
It was pretty difficult going
We managed a couple of hours
And then, right of the blue, he said
Do you like my wings?
Got me to thinking he could read my mind
I always did wanna fly

I fitted in pretty well down there
I got me some wings
Pretty soon they accepted me as one of their own
I got to fly
And it's not 'bout being a bug
Buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz


Thank you, you are beautiful
Thank you
Holy Ghost

Cover: Holy Ghost - 4 AM At The Crying Cactus
  • Live In Amsterdam

  • Year
  • 1998

  • Genre

  • Submitted

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