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Sauerkraut - They're Back (Lock The Door And Hide The Key Mix) lyrics

They're back
There will be no mistake this time

They're back [3x]

Lock the door and hide the key
'Cause if I get loose, you won't catch me
Must we march? Can't we ride?
I got my horse parked right outside

Lock the door and hide the key
'Cause if I get loose, you won't catch me

Lock the door and hide the key [16x]

They're back
There will be no mistake this time

They're back [3x]

Lock the door and hide the key
'Cause if I get loose, you won't catch me

Lock the door and hide the key
'Cause if I get loose, you won't catch me
Must we march? Can't we ride?
I got my horse parked right outside

Lock the door and hide the key
'Cause if I get loose, you won't catch me

They're back [5x]

Cover: Sauerkraut - They're Back (Lock The Door And Hide The Key Mix)
  • They're Back

  • Year
  • 1993

  • Genre

  • Source / Sample

  • Submitted
  • Approved by Payne

    Top achievedBETA
    #1 Daily Hardcore/Early

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