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Talamasca - Sensory Deprivation lyrics

There's a quote here that says:
You can build virtual environments with optical illusions
And mess with people's perceptual systems

And make it look like a hallucinogenic experience
You can't tell what's happening
It's almost like you're a floating brain


Have you heard of sensory deprivation?
When you're in a concert, you're overstimulated
You're actually creating a problem of overload
But our brains are built to be social
Or built to interact with other brains
And when you deprive the brain of that stimulation,
It kind of goes crazy

And even just thinking about being happy
And literally thinking you're being happy
Will release more serotonin in your brain
All of these things don't necessarily produce the same high
As something like LSD, but this one does


Cover: Talamasca - Sensory Deprivation
  • Sensory Deprivation

  • Year
  • 2020

  • Genre

  • Submitted
  • Approved by Payne

    Top achievedBETA
    #3 Daily Psychedelic/Goa

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