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Crocoloko - Alice In Wonderland lyrics

Nothing was ever accomplished with tears
- Absolem?
Why are you upside down?
- I've come to the end of this life
- You're going to die?
- Transform
- Don't go
I need your help
I don't know what to do
- I can't help you if you don't even know who you are, stupid girl
- I'm not stupid
My name is Alice, I live in London
I have a mother named Helen and a sister named Margaret
My father was Charles Kingsley
He had a vision that stretched half-way around the world and nothing ever stopped him
I'm his daughter
I'm Alice Kingsley
- Alice, at last


You're all late for tea!


Cover: Crocoloko - Alice In Wonderland
  • The Crocodile Come Alive

  • Year
  • 2018

  • Genre

  • Source / Sample

  • Submitted
  • Approved by Payne

    Top achievedBETA
    #1 Daily Psychedelic/Goa

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