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Aurosonic & Denis Karpinskiy & Marie Mauri - Same Sky lyrics

When a quiet night feels so alone
And the cold rain won't stop
Crying out the pain in your soul
Close your eyes and let it wash
The fear and doubts away
Let your dream fly into the night sky

Follow your heart, sing for the stars
When silence is hard, you can break it
Don't hold back
Reach for the light
Out and inside
Let it shine like a beacon
When you sail home

Like every raindrop holds the sea
In every heart, there's light unseen
Through the space, it radiates
Like rays of distant stars
Longing to reach the loving hearts

Baby I'll be there, I'll be there for you
Baby I'll sing that, I'll sing that our love is true
Look at the starlit sky, and I'll be there by your side
Whenever you need a new start, till the end we'll shine so bright

Follow your heart, sing for the stars
When silence is hard, you can break it
Don't hold back
Reach for the light
Out and inside
Let it shine like a beacon
When you sail home

Cover: Aurosonic & Denis Karpinskiy & Marie Mauri - Same Sky
  • Same Sky

  • Year
  • 2024

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#1 Daily Ambient/Chillout

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