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Despersion - Everything lyrics

I can give you the moon, I can bring you the sun
It's not the same, you're not just anyone
I can give you the moon, I can bring you the sun
To show you my love, but it's not enough

How can I tell you, you're everything
You're everything, you are the world to me
How can I tell you, you're everything
You're everything, you are the air that I breathe

How can I tell you
Tell you

How can I tell you, you're everything
You're everything, you are the world to me
How can I tell you, you're everything
You're everything, you are the air that I breathe

How can I tell you
Tell you

How can I tell you, you're everything
You're everything, you are the world to me
How can I tell you, you're everything
You're everything, you are the air that I breathe

How can I tell you
Tell you

Cover: Despersion - Everything
  • Everything

  • Year
  • 2024

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