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Aekhlorią - The End Of All Ends lyrics

Years drift like shadows under the watchful stars
All matter spirals into voids where black holes mars
In the depths were no light goes, held by gravity's embrace
The final age approaches in this vast and empty space

Ô, force of nature, endless in your pull
Even time bends under you, bound by your law
To the void, all will bow, every atom, every grain
In the silent dance of cosmos, under heaven's endless reign

Beyond the end, in realms where time has ceased
Quantum tides shift, the cosmos gently teased
From nothingness a spark anew may spring
Infinite renewal, a universe reborn to sing

Ô, force of nature, endless in your pull
Even time bends under you, bound by your law
To the void, all will bow, every atom, every grain
In the silent dance of cosmos, under heaven's endless reign

To the void, all will bow, every atom, every grain
In the silent dance of cosmos, under heaven's endless reign

Cover: Aekhlorią - The End Of All Ends
  • The End Of All Ends / Decay

  • Year
  • 2024

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  • Submitted

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