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Exodus - Bass So Loud lyrics

Watch me do my thing
Blow me some money, I'll make it rain
Stop, I'm going big
And if you can't come, that's fine by me
Drop, I'm going in
Bass so loud it's in my skin
Drink and then repeat
Turn me up, motherfucker

Watch me do my thing, do my thing
Stop, I'm going big, going big
Drop, I'm going in, going in
Drink and then repeat
Turn up the bass

Turn me up, motherfucker

Turn up the
Turn up the bass

Turn me up, motherfucker

Turn up the bass

Turn me up, motherfucker

Watch me do my thing
Blow me some money, I'll make it rain
Stop, I'm going big
And if you can't come, that's fine by me
Drop, I'm going in
Bass so loud it's in my skin
Drink and then repeat
Turn me up, motherfucker

Turn, turn, turn, turn
Turn me up, motherfucker

Watch me do my thing, do my thing
Stop, I'm going big, going big
Drop, I'm going in, going in
Drink and then repeat
Turn up the bass

Turn up the bass

Turn me up, motherfucker

Watch me do my thing
Blow me some money, I'll make it rain
Stop, I'm going big
And if you can't come, that's fine by me
Drop, I'm going in
Bass so loud it's in my skin
Drink and then repeat
Turn up the bass

Watch me do my thing
Blow me some money, I'll make it rain

Turn me up, motherfucker

Cover: Exodus - Bass So Loud
  • Bass So Loud

  • Year
  • 2023

  • Genre

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  • Submitted

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