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Act of Rage - Dirty lyrics

If you pumping this one in your truck (let's get dirty)
Say let's get dirty (let's get dirty)
And you really don't give a what (let's get dirty)
Say let's get dirty (let's get dirty)

Everybody get your hands up (let's get dirty)
Say let's get dirty (let's get dirty)
If you ain't come to party shut up (let's get dirty, come on)
Say let's get dirty
Let's get dirty

Everybody get your hands up

Let's get dirty [7x]

Say let's get dirty

Let's get dirty
Dirty [2x]

Say let's get dirty

Break this joint down
Dirty [2x]

Say let's get dirty

Break this joint down

Cover: Act of Rage - Dirty
  • Dirty

  • Year
  • 2022

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Top achievedBETA
#5 Daily Hardstyle
#7 Daily Overall

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