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Akira & ASIN - Kifflom lyrics

If you feel you have understood nothing
Then you know everything
Kifflom be praised
You have achieved great things
But it is as the blink of the eye
Unless you achieve more, you shall not survive the apocalypse

You have achieved great things
But it is as the blink of the eye

If you feel you have understood nothing
Then you know everything
Kifflom be praised
Unless you achieve more, you shall not survive the apocalypse

Not survive the apocalypse


Unless you achieve more, you shall not survive the apocalypse

Not survive the apocalypse

Cover: Akira & ASIN - Kifflom
  • VIXLATIXN Vol. 1

  • Year
  • 2022

  • Genre

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  • Submitted

Top achievedBETA
#3 Daily Hardcore/Gabber

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