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Audiofreq - The Cure lyrics

My friend, you might be going through something right now
That you might not understand
But don't you worry
What I have to say can bring a change in your life
You see, it's in the world
And if you need help all you gotta do is ask
Ask, and it will be given to you
It's in the world

You see, all you gotta do is ask
Ask and it will be given to you
Seek and you will find
It's in the world

It's in the world
You might be going through something right now
That you might not understand
But don't you worry
What I have to say can bring a change in your life
And if you need help all you gotta do is ask
And to those who knock, it will be opened

For everyone who asks receives
And to those who knock, it will be opened
It's in the world

What I have to say can bring a change in your life
And if you need help all you gotta do is ask
And to those who knock, it will be opened
Ask and it will be given to you
Seek and you will find
It's in the world

It's in the world

Cover: Audiofreq - The Cure
  • Retrospective EP

  • Year
  • 2020

  • Genre

  • Source / Sample

  • Submitted

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#4 Daily Hardstyle

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