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Lem-X & Hysta - Conspiracy lyrics

This is a conspiracy [2x]
That's what it is
One big damn conspiracy

This is a conspiracy

Lord, it's a miracle


This is a conspiracy

You are convicted felons
That's why they sent you to me
Rule number one: No blasphemy
I'll not have the Lord's name taken in vain in my prison
The other rules you'll figure out as you go along
I believe in two things - discipline and the Bible
Here you'll receive both
Put your trust in the Lord
Your ass belongs to me
Welcome to Shawshank

This is a conspiracy
That's what it is
One big damn conspiracy

Lord, it's a miracle
Man up and vanished like a fart in the wind
And everyone's in on it


When do we eat?

You eat when we say you eat
You shit when we say you shit
You piss when we say you piss
You got that, you maggot dick motherfucker?


This is a conspiracy [2x]
Cover: Lem-X & Hysta - Conspiracy
  • Redemption

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  • 2019

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