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Chris Liebing - Untitled lyrics

I'm gonna fight em' off
A seven nation army couldn't hold me back
They're gonna rip it off
Takin' their time right behind my back
And I'm talkin' to myself at night, because I can't forget
Back and forth through my mind behind a cigarette

And a message come from my eyes, says leave it alone

Don't wanna hear about it
Every single ones got a story to tell
Everyone knows about it
From the Queen of England to the hounds of hell
And if I catch you comin' back my way, I'm gonna serve it to you
And that ain't what you want to hear, but thats what I'll do

And a feelin' comin' from my bones, says find a home

I'm goin' to Wichita
Far from this opera forever more
I'm gonna work the straw
Make the sweat drip out of every pore
And I'm bleedin' and I'm bleedin' and I'm bleedin' right before my lord
All the words are gonna bleed from me, and I will think no more

And the stains comin' from my blood, tell me go back home

Cover: Chris Liebing - Untitled
  • Es Ist Freitag-aaabend... 4th Anniversary

  • Year
  • 2003

  • Genre

  • Source / Sample

  • Submitted
  • Jul 6, 2008 by Rudi
  • Approved by atomicoz

    Top achievedBETA
    #1 Daily Hardtechno/Schranz

The Genre is Schranz
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