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Blackburn & Geck-o ft. Drivium - Pan-demic lyrics

This is a pan flute epidemic

I saw another Peruvian flute band outside my house last night
Guess how much money they make selling their crappy CD's
I'm starting to realize that it's like the easiest job in the world
You know, I mean, we can do that!

Become a Peruvian flute band?
Yeah! Why not?
We get some instruments and some costumes and then
Make some crappy pan flute music CD's on my computer

Oh my god, we're gonna make so much fucking money, you guys

This is a pan flute epidemic

We're gonna make so much fucking money, you guys (you guys [?x])

This is a pan flute epidemic


La muerte peluda [2x]
Peluda [?x]

Pan flute epidemic


This is a pan flute epidemic

  • Year
  • 2013

  • Genre

  • Source / Sample

  • Submitted
  • Aug 22, 2013 by Qz
  • Approved by Salva

    Top achievedBETA
    #6 Daily Hardstyle

All lyrics are taken from the South Park episode Pandemic, except for the 'Woohoo!' which Kenny shouts when he is high on cat piss in Major Boobage.

Track released for free and available on the lolo!
Stan 8 years, 3 months ago
The Spanish part is la muerte peluda, which means the furry death. It is literally discussed in the South Park episode.
Thanks for the help!
Come say hello in the Lolochat!
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