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Anderson T - Light lyrics

Suddenly, a loud voice was heard

Let there be light

A long time ago in the dark ages
When dragons and trolls ruled the lands
And urged mankind to sacrifice the loved ones to them
One bold hero rose his fist
And the armies of men followed his lead
The armies of darkness and light collided in a furious melee
Feeling no more pain
Just anger towards their enemies
The army of the frees swept away the followers of demons and darkness
Suddenly, a loud voice was heard
For now and forever let there be light


Suddenly, a loud voice was heard

Cover: Anderson T - Light
  • Anderson T. & Paulistos E.P.

  • Year
  • 2010

  • Genre

  • Submitted
  • Approved by eddie

Official preview:
igormyotis 14 years, 5 months ago
Brazilian Hardstyle o/
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