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Angerfist - I Should Have Killed More lyrics

Remorse for what?
You people have done everything in the world to me
Doesn't that give me equal right?
I can do anything I want to you people at anytime I want
Because that's what you've done to me

If you spit in my face and smack me in the mouth
And throw me in solitary confinement for nothing
What do you think is going to happen when I get out of here?

Maybe I haven't done enough
I might be ashamed of that
For not doing enough
For not giving enough
For not being more perceptive
For not being aware of now
For not understanding
For being stupid

Maybe I should have killed 4-5 hundred people
Then I would have felt better
Then I'd feel like I really offered society something

You've got it stuck in your brain that I've murdered somebody
What do you wanna call me a murderer for?
I never killed anyone
I don't need to kill anyone
I think it, I have it here!

This street is my world
I don't pretend to go uptown and be anything fancy,
I can, but I find more real in the world that I'm in
And the real world is the one I have to deal with everyday
You know, believe me
If I started murdering people, there'd be none of ya left

  • Year
  • 2007

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  • Submitted

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#1 Daily Other

Unreleased intro track
gabber94 13 years, 8 months ago
hmmm... at the start, he doesn't say "remorseful slut". he says "remorses for what?", answering a question.
Thanks for the help!
Rudi 15 years, 8 months ago
The Tune on the back ground is from "Mike Oldfield - Tubular Bells"
Dion 16 years, 6 months ago
Source: Charles Manson Interview

Thanks for the help!
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