Request: Ryscu - Brace
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  • Brace

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djhandedout 1 year ago
Hold me, I [..]
Don't you think it's time to trust[?]

Hold me, I'll make you a rose from dust
Don't you think it's time to trust
Don't be afraid to feel me
Would you kindly come to the chat?
HardstyleLJ 1 year ago
Hold me, I am a thief in the night[?]
I am stars in your eyes
The nightmare that's coming for you
An uncomfortable truth

Hold me, I am the voice in the dark
I am what sets you apart
Your worst enemy
The thing that sets you free
You don't need you fight it
Don't try to deny it
I'm what you want to be
Powerful and free
Holding on too tight
Let me show you how to embrace

Hold me, I am fear itself
Don't you cry out for help[?]
I can make you limitless

Hold me, I [..]
Don't you think it's time to trust[?]

Embrace the night [x2]
Let me show you how to embrace the night
Blackness 1 year ago
Hold me i am safe in the night
I am stars in your eyes
Nightmare is coming for you an uncomfortable truth
Hold me i am voice in the dark
I am what sest you apart
You worst enemy thing that set you free
Don't need you fight it
Don't try [.....]
I'm what you want to be powerful and free holding on to tight
What feel [.....]

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