Request: Estasia - No Brakes
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  • No Brakes

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cicciopaci2012 4 years, 6 months ago
From the beginning until 2:25

we ain’t taking second place
with a smile on my face (smile on my face)

Once upon a time on a planet called earth
There were two women descended from darkness
Descended to spread light, so they joined forces
Transformed into monsters that will destroy all stages
All hatred will be eliminated
Warning: we are not responsible for the amount of mines that will be blown
By the greatness you are about to witness
Will this world be a happier place if we would take over?

We ain’t taking second place

Will this world be a happier place?

We ain’t taking second place

All gas, no brakes

With a smile on my face
All gas, no brakes

We ain’t taking second place
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