10 years, 10 months ago
The last day is upon us
The battle is coming to a close
the mystic one himself has travelled thirteen thousand miles
To be with us at the most sacred time
The battle I hath been drawn
And now the one that left me
the only one ever leave us hath joined
Together I guest my family
For thirteen thousand miles he travelled
Needless sleeping, drinking or eating
To purge himself for the fire that'll take cleanse himself
to get every bit of light [..]
When he got the bones and knows the future
he [..], and we all feasted on the [..] that, it has all become clear
We all rejoiced and rejoiced in different moments
and in different sections
But now the last sheep will come back to this fold
The last one, the one that went to the the desert to purify himself from me
The one that turned his back [..] bulletin, and my family and the mystic one
The one that got lost in the desert will come back
but this [..] when he comes back, he's come back slipped from head to his gut
Because we're gonna feast on your innites (??)
[..] darkness, take him right down!
Right down! [..]
And [..] him up to the seven steps of hell again
Only you can show him the way
You are [..]
but this [..] when he comes back, he's come back slipped from head to his gut
Because we're gonna feast on you, idiots
Only you can show him the way
You are [..]