Request: State Of Emergency - Space Invaders
Official video not the whole track tho

  • Release
  • Space Invaders

  • Genre

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  • Status
  • Not added

Adding previews/rips/unreleased lyrics is not allowed.
If this isn't released on an album or similar yet, please do not add it until it is released in full.
Imil 3 years, 8 months ago
Missing one word, fairly confident about the rest:

The search for extraterrestrial intelligence focuses on radio signals that are not naturally occuring
That are being, obviously, deliberately transmitted and that could only be, you know, intelligent lifeforms on another planet, aliens if you will

Can call us space invaders


Hear me now, massive!


You are now entering a time warp, please be careful, take caution
Please be careful, take caution

Hear me now, massive!

Can call us space invaders

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