Already added: Negative A - M.M.I.D.O.Y.
After thousand of searches I couldn't found it D:

I also can't find the song on Youtube so goodluck

regards Eater
  • Release
  • Modern Music Destroys The Youth

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EaterOfCorpses 11 years, 4 months ago
this is what I got so far

Source [Sabac Red – Positive & Negative,

Start to go negative, make sure the ...
confirmed 1509(one five O nine) going hot
everything is on, turning on power, turning on air
arming for rocket number one, (...) on negative 5, moving in negative 7, negative 7 and arming, negative 8 we fire

[rocket sound]

still in the captivity of negativety,


there are many stages of the power of negative intensions and I wish I could say that positive intensions could work more powerfull then negative intensions,
But I cant, the studies show and these are studies they have and they said, ... powerfull effect

één op de drie nederlanders is ronduit negatief

its hard to be positive when news is so negative,

ever been in a spot you didn't want to be (surrounded/around) and negativity,
what happend to me it's more and rice, so listen to a dice (?)

active negative
wa in wa in
active negative
wa in wa in
active negative
because the world is

We must know the negative,the neeegative
to recognize the positive recognize the positive
we must know the positive,the pooositive
to recognize the negative so negative, its all relative

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