Already added: Distorted Revelation - Mr. Ryan
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  • AT004

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Salva 12 years, 2 months ago
nice track i'm kinda diggin' it


And now he has come to murder me
It's too late, wait, no, please, Mr Ryan
The poison, kill the poison!

Smile [2x]

Was a man sent to kill, or a slave?
A man chooses
Kill the poison, now! [2x]

No, please
What separates a man from a slave?
Money? Power?
No, a man chooses, a slave obeys!

Was a man sent to kill, or a slave?
A man chooses
A slave obeys

Smile [2x]

It's too late, wait, no, please, Mr Ryan, please

A slave obeys
A man chooses

A man chooses, a slave obeys

The poison, kill the poison!

A man chooses
Pain 12 years, 2 months ago
How could I not know these samples are from Bioshock...
I need to play it again. D:
Va fan, intrige!
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