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Nexes ft. Nosferatu - Welcome To Nexes lyrics

Welcome to Nexus!

So good of you to join us here at Nexus base
Thank you for all the useful technologies you have recovered
You and not those fools in the New Paradigm and the collective
I'm now activating all your synaptic links
So that your forces can meld with Nexus
Your forces are now mine
Welcome to Nexus!

Welcome to Nexus! [2x]

Thank you for all the useful technologies you have recovered
You and not those fools in the New Paradigm and the collective
I'm now activating all your synaptic links
So that your forces can meld with Nexus
Your forces are now mine
Welcome to Nexus!

Welcome to Nexus! [2x]

Thank you for all the useful technologies you have recovered
You and not those fools in the New Paradigm and the collective
I'm now activating all your synaptic links
So that your forces can meld with Nexus
Your forces are now mine
Welcome to Nexus!

Cover: Nexes ft. Nosferatu - Welcome To Nexes
  • Future Prophets

  • Year
  • 2002

  • Genre

  • Source / Sample

  • Submitted
  • Jan 12, 2009 by zup

From the RTS video game 'Warzone2100' (1999)
invictus 15 years, 8 months ago
Then its "not those", but its not "you and those". The speaker is thanking "you" in comparison to the other people.
zup 15 years, 8 months ago
I hear 'those' very clearly :p
Pain 15 years, 9 months ago
you and NOT THEM fools in the... ?
is what I hear.
Va fan, intrige!
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