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Nexes - My Music lyrics

My squad, my house [?x]
My music

Before you lay me down to sleep
I pray the lord my soul to keep
If music should die before I wake
I pray the lord my soul to take

My music, my life, my heart, my soul
My music, my everything, I give my all
My wife, my daughter, my love, my dream
My mother, my father, my brother, my team
My cab, my squad, my house, my car
My boat, my shoes, my pants, my shirt
My coat, my sugar, my cream, my bottom
My toes, my all, my queen, my fault
My music

My music [?x]

My music, my life, my heart, my soul
My music, my everything, I give my all

My music [?x]

My music, my life, my heart, my soul
My music, my everything, I give my all

My music [?x]

My music, my life, my heart, my soul
My music, my everything, I give my all
My wife, my daughter, my love, my dream
My mother, my father, my brother, my team
My music

My music [?x]

My squad, my house [?x]
My music

Cover: Nexes - My Music
  • The Sign Vinyl

  • Year
  • 2009

  • Genre

  • Source / Sample

  • Submitted

Top achievedBETA
#5 Daily Hardcore/Gabber

"Before you lay me down to sleep" part is quoted from a classic children's bedtime prayer in the 18th century entitled "Now I Lay Me Down To Sleep"
The rest is taken from "Knoc-Turn'al - Muzik"
2 lyrics with the source Knoc-Turn'al - Muzik
1 Shockerz My Muzic Hardstyle 2010
defoil 14 years ago
Source is also Metallica - Enter Sandman... The part with 'Before you lay me down to sleep' in it..
zup 15 years, 12 months ago
Cleaned it up a bit and added the source Noizmash mentioned :)
Pain 16 years, 2 months ago
*yells for another mod, sits back and opens a porn site* :)
nah, it fixed
Va fan, intrige!
zup 16 years, 2 months ago
I've got some corrections :)

Instead of the first line 'My music (x??)', it should be:
'My squad
My house
My music

Instead of 'If I shall die before I wake', it should be:
'If music should die before I wake'

And last but not least, it should be:
'My coat
My sugar
My cream
My bottom
My toes'

Fredo 16 years, 2 months ago
Knoc-turn'al feat. Samuel Christian - Muzik.
junkoliefde 16 years, 2 months ago
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