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Clawfinger - Without A Case lyrics

Why do I pay you to insult me
And make me feel like shit
I can't believe I've worked this hard
To let you benefit
For every slice that I get
You get two slices more
You've become my pimp
And I've become your little whore
It goes around in circles
The torture never stops
You get all the earnings
And all I get is props

Wipe that smile from off your face
You're in court without a case
And you'll get nothing

I do all the dirty work
And you make all your plans
You pull my strings
And I play right into your hands
What's wrong with this picture
Someone's playing tricks
How come I always end up
With the short end of the stick
It really makes me question why
I go with your advice
You make me hate the job
That used to be my life

Wipe that smile from off your face
You're in court without a case
And you'll get nothing

Nothing [??x]

I end up giving more
But still receiving less
I do all the cleaning up
And you make all the mess
Your enemies are useless
If you don't have any friends
And all your great connections
Are just people you offend
I'm sick of being ass fucked
God knows how much you owe
You took more than what was yours
But you can't steal my show

Wipe that smile from off your face
You're in court without a case
And you'll get nothing
Cover: Clawfinger - Without A Case
  • Hate Yourself With Style

  • Year
  • 2005

  • Genre

  • Submitted

Top achievedBETA
#1 Daily Metal
#9 Daily Overall


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