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80 Aum - Kaos lyrics

This is reality [3x]
80 Aum controls the whole fucking galaxy
This is reality [2x]
Frustration of an entire nation
Total chaos [2x]
Frustration of an entire nation
Total chaos, chaos

Frustration of an entire nation
Total chaos [2x]
Frustration of an entire nation
Total chaos, chaos

Chaos [3x]

This is reality for a whole fucking galaxy
Total chaos
Frustration of an entire nation [2x]
Total chaos [2x]
Frustration of an entire nation

Chaos [8x]

Chaos, all you pussy pop motherfuckers

This is reality [2x]
Total chaos, chaos

Chaos [4x]

Frustration of an entire nation [4x]

Total chaos [4x]
Frustration of an entire nation
Cover: 80 Aum - Kaos
  • TrAUMa 2 - Nightmare On AUM Street

  • Year
  • 1994

  • Genre

  • Submitted
  • Approved by surrender

    Top achievedBETA
    #1 Daily Hardcore/Early
    #7 Daily Overall

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