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Morbid Angel - Nothing Is Not lyrics

How can you defeat that which
Finds nourishment in your attack?
How can you kill that which
Finds sanctuary in your blade?
How can you hinder that which
Embraces the strategies against it?
You can take nothing from not

In my being
Nothing Is
Nothing becomes
Nothing is not
In your world
All things return to me

I'm the collector of souls
For they're never past my control
I take of what is
And nothing of that I give
I'm the alpha omega
My way in itself complete
I am the continum

Human, meagerness of purpose
Come feed me what I please
My spirit shan't be hindered
For it knows no weakness
I dine on your pain
Your strength is only that of men
Human, why do you clutch your flesh so?

In my being
I am
I will
I create
In your world
All things return to me

I'm the collector of souls
For they're never past my control
I take of what is
And nothing of that I give
I'm the alpha omega
My way in itself complete
I am the continuum

Cover: Morbid Angel - Nothing Is Not
  • Formulas Fatal To The Flesh

  • Year
  • 1998

  • Genre

  • Submitted

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Death Metal

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