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Cannibal Corpse - I Will Kill You lyrics

Bleed for my pain
Revenge on treacherous snakes
They will pay
Slicing the flesh
Sculptured wounds my catharsis
I will stain

Into the heart
Needle injects gasoline

The one that they betrayed
Has made them this way
Plagued by the bastards
I will kill you
Killed by my rage

Scream at my face
The grisly scars went unavenged
Until now
Deep in the hole
You are not gagged and scream aloud
But unheard

Choke on your vomit
You watch your hands cut off
Then your legs

The one that you betrayed
Will kill you this way
Scarred by the bastards
I will kill you
Killed by my rage
I must kill you

Into the throat
The scalpel slices
Warm blood sprays out
The gushing entices
Pull out your heart
And let you watch
Shove in your mouth
Then stab your crotch
I watch your agony

I am released
From years of pain
Your death averted
My becoming insane
You are dead
I have killed you

Cover: Cannibal Corpse - I Will Kill You
  • Gallery Of Suicide

  • Year
  • 1998

  • Genre

  • Submitted

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#2 Daily Metal

Death Metal

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