I make the beat go [6x]
I make the beat go boom
I make the beat go [6x]
I make the beat go boom papi [4x]
I make the beat go boom
This honky he's draggin' in is Popovitch
I don't know how to tell you this, Cyrus
But we are three white guys short
Or as they say in ebonics, "we be fucked"
I make the beat go [2x]
I make the beat go boom papi
Beat go [2x]
Beat go boom papi
I make the beat go [2x]
I make the beat go boom
Come on, let's go, son
I make the beat go boom papi
I make the beat go boom
Who the fuck are you?
- I'm DEA
That's who the fuck I am
So you think I give a shit about that
Little bitch guard you have there right now?
Well, maybe you didn't hear what I said
You know what the fuck that means?
No, no, no, no, no, no, no, Cyrus
No, no
Get that ass out here right now!
- With you in a second
- Right now!
I make the beat go [2x]
I make the beat go boom papi
I make the beat go [2x]
I make the beat go boom