Fantasies in my pantasies baby
Runaway fast-paced fat ass fantasy
Fantasies in your pantasies baby
Runaway first place full face fantasy
Fantasies, fantasies
Let me freak out the fan base
Are you around late?
Can I borrow your face?
I got blood that needs veins
Freaky times I have with you
You are a psycho
I am a weirdo
Imperfections better
Nightmares getting wetter
Freaky times I have with you
Harder than your best picture
Softer than a corpse whisper
If our friends only knew
The freaky times I have with you
Teeth are crooked but the stars are straight
And both point at you
This whole thing is nice and kinda strange
Both are the truth
Fantasies in my pantasies baby
Runaway fast-paced fat ass fantasy
Fantasies in your pantasies baby
Runaway first place full face fantasy
Fantasies, fantasies
E.T.A. stretching
Feeling kinda sexy
Empty road's ready, for my Buick
Freaky times I have with you
At least cloud 8, doing
In-flight refueling
High above cliches we will never use
Freaky times I have with you
Scratch mark taker
Scream translator
I'll introduce you to the neighbors
Freaky times I have with you
Right amount of scary
Skim my dictionary
Good and evil left the room
The freaky times I have with you
Freaky visions from your room
Freaky times I have with you
With you [4x]
Freaky times I have with you
With you [?x]
The freaky times I have with you