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Mario Ranieri - Sexual Harassment (English Version) lyrics

All right, so
I'm sorry
Show me your breasts
I want to see your breasts
I'm sorry, what?
This was all a ploy to get you into my trap
But don't worry
I don't have to use this thing, you know

All you got to do is take off that top
And show me one breast
Two breast, both breasts

Wow, I'm sorry
I don't know how to react
Stop changing the subject and show me those breasts

What kind of deranged meeting place is this?

You can't be serious
I mean, you just can't be
This is a joke, right?
Yeah, have a laugh
But in the meantime, this is a real fucking gun
What is your problem?
Do you have, like, issues talking to girls?
Is this, like, your pickup line?
Stop wasting my fucking time
With your twisted questions

What must be done will be done

And what must be done today is
You take off that top
And show me those breasts
'Cause this is a real fucking gun

What must be done will be done

So do me a favor, drop it
Let me see the breasts
What are you gonna do if I don't comply?
I'm gonna put a fucking bullet in your head
You're gonna fall down
There's gonna be blood everywhere
I'm gonna walk over with my dirty shoe
And I'm gonna lift up your shirt
And then I'll see your breasts.

It's win-win for me, girl
Yeah, I see that

What are you doing?
Julia, that's a bad idea
I feel really sorry for you, man
Get some help, seriously

You fucking bitch
Show me your breasts [x2]

What must be done will be done

Cover: Mario Ranieri - Sexual Harassment (English Version)
  • Sexual Harassment

  • Year
  • 2016

  • Genre

  • Source / Sample

  • Submitted

Top achievedBETA
#1 Daily Hardtechno/Schranz

Taken from the movie Wrong Cops (2013)
2 lyrics with the source Wrong Cops
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