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ANDY SVGE - Gravity lyrics

I get it, it's nice up here
You can just shut down all the systems
Turn out all the lights
And just close your eyes and tune out everyone
There's nobody up here that can hurt you
It's safe
I mean, what's the point of going on?
What's the point of living?
Doesn't get any rougher than that
But still, it's a matter of what you do now
If you decide to go, then you gotta just get on with it
Sit back, enjoy the ride
You gotta plant both your feet on the ground and start livin' life
It's time to go home

Well, you've gotta admit one thing
Can't beat the view

The silence
I can get used to it

Cover: ANDY SVGE - Gravity
  • Dragonblood EP

  • Year
  • 2016

  • Genre

  • Source / Sample

  • Submitted
  • Approved by HardstyleLJ

    Top achievedBETA
    #1 Daily Hardstyle
    #3 Daily Overall

Lyrics taken from movie: Gravity
mstx 8 years, 6 months ago
I can get used* to it
Thanks for the help!
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