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Lenox - Fate lyrics

- Sometimes a little human collateral is the cost of freedom
To me, those people were war casualties
But to you, they're just evidence
- That'll do, we got him
- What'd you say?
- You think you know what's coming? You don't have a clue
- I know where you're going
I know you're gonna be away for a long time, I know that
- This case will never even go to trial
- No?
- 'Cause I seen what's coming
- Did, have you? What? What is in this glass?
- You've seen what's coming, huh?
Okay, what's coming? You tell me
- I told you earlier I have a destiny, a purpose
Satan reasons like man, but God thinks of eternity
Well, I prostrate myself before a world that's going to hell in a handbag
'Cause in all eternity, I am here and I will be remembered
That's destiny [2x]

That's destiny

Cover: Lenox - Fate
  • Fate

  • Year
  • 2011

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#1 Daily Hardtechno/Schranz

From the movie 'Deja Vu' (2006).
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