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Alternate Ft. Innovators - World At War lyrics

You are my enemy

You are my enemy
And if I'm going to die
I will take you with me

Vengeance shall be mine

You are my enemy

You are my enemy
And if I'm going to die
I will take you with me

Road blocks preventing people from leaving and entering their homes
Everybody's under quarantine

Blood, blood

We still do not have an official version of these events
And it's very difficult at this moment
To get a fix on what has happened

The girl you remember is dead

How many innocents have you killed?
How many more have to die?

I am the swarm
Vengeance shall be mine

I will take you with me

  • Year
  • 2012

  • Genre

  • Source / Sample

  • Submitted

Partially from this video for the game 'Starcraft II'.
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