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Adrenalize - Cloudy Memory lyrics

Convoluted and cloudy memory
Sneaking into my thoughts
Vaguely remember something was lost
Had a hint in my pocket
Now my pocket disappeared
In the end it didn't matter
Felt you near

There you are
Dust from the stars
Everything, nothing more
Particles for the heart
Dust from the stars
The stars [?x]

Buh-buh-buh-bury it deep [6x]
Dust from the stars
Everything, nothing more

Cover: Adrenalize - Cloudy Memory
  • Cloudy Memory / Crystal

  • Year
  • 2014

  • Genre

  • Source / Sample

  • Submitted

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#7 Daily Hardstyle

Merlz 5 years, 9 months ago
So I made an Account only for the commenter above to tell him that he's wrong and this song is one peak of euphoric Hardstyle.

This guy seems to take his time to get things right, from the chords, melody, track progression, kicks. Anything about Adrenalizes typically dreamy-euphoric style is so greatly nuanced to be a chill-pill while great tracks to party to at the same time. I love it and I hope he never stops making music from the heart because he does and it shows. :)
onlyforthis 6 years, 1 month ago
song that is the end of hardstyle genre
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