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The Machine & Chris One - The Forsaken Lands (WiSH Outdoor Festival 2013 Anthem) lyrics

A distant path leads into a land
That no saint enters deliberately
Dark and misty passages take you away
From where you desire to be

Welcome to the Forsaken Lands


A distant path leads into a land
That no saint enters deliberately
Dark and misty passages take you away
From where you desire to be

Deep, through sinister lairs
Where life as we know it no longer exists
A mysterious place inhabited by creatures
That invade the light

There is no death
Nor is there life
Welcome to the Forsaken Lands

A mysterious place inhabited by creatures
That invade the light
Welcome to the Forsaken Lands

Cover: The Machine & Chris One - The Forsaken Lands (WiSH Outdoor Festival 2013 Anthem)
  • The Forsaken Lands

  • Year
  • 2013

  • Genre

  • Submitted
  • Approved by Salva

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