Are you crazy, is that your problem?
Look, we came here to see David Lopan, alright?
David Lopan
And you have succeeded, Mr. Burton.
What, you? Nah,
I don't get this at all, I thought Lopan
Shut up, Mr. Burton!
You are not brought upon this world to 'get it'
Come on, Lopan is like
Nothing you can understand.
Magic, the darkest magic my soul swims in it
Scattered across time, trapped in a world of formlessness
There are many mysteries, many unanswerable questions...
Even in a life as short as yours.
Yeah, well the way I see it, doesn't mean we shouldn't ask like where's my truck
You're not looking for a "truck", you're looking for a GIRL!
A girl with green eyes
Magic, the darkest magic my soul swims in it
Scattered across time, trapped in a world of formlessness
You have come a long ways to find me...but it is too late.
There are two girls with green eyes...and I will marry them both.
And then I will sacrifice Gracie Law to appease my emperor...
And live out my earthly pleasures...with Miao Yin.
Magic, the darkest magic my soul swims in it
Scattered across time, trapped in a world of formlessness
Two girls with green eyes
After all these years