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Human Sacrifice Club - Whatever This Is, Its Over lyrics

5 Seconds in, you're judging me
Where was the hello, long time no see?
I'm elated you've rid yourself of denial
Yes I'm drunk, I might be for a while

Now you're conforming, that's fine with me
Stratify me into a category
Tell yourself your reformed, that your new
Forget all the things you did that you said
You'd never do

Delirious blurry-eyed
We are the disease you personified
Alert the neighbors, scream and shout
We are the one's you warned your kids about

Have you forgot your talking to me?
Let's dispose of this formality
Sever your ties, kid yourself your right
Marry your lies with the truth if it helps you sleep at night
But I bet it's still, just still not quite


Delirious blurry eyed
We are the disease you personified
Wake the neighbors cause there's no doubt
We are the one's you warned your kids about

  • Year
  • 2012

  • Genre

  • Submitted
  • Sep 8, 2013

Top achievedBETA
#7 Daily Rock

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