In my heart,
it stays always dark,
in my mind,
all thoughts like hideous shapes
Don't you hear the rats,
feasting on the stones,
vermin everywhere,
can hear them in the walls
My ears can reach the sky,
the very depths of hell,
my eyes dry out in pain,
a glimpse at daylight kills
Young Philip don't you stay,
Madeline is very sick,
recall her how she was,
Leave now and don't look back
Don't look back
Is this her
In her grave
bursting wood
insane screams
Where is she
barefooted steps
on frozen floor
rushing up
No, it can't be
My mind is shutting down
Oh Lord, God heaven's No
No way
Go away
Go away, Madelaine
Don't you hear her voice,
calling out my name
longing for my blood,
behind that very door