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Color War - Obelisk lyrics

I know how far to decide
I know how close to you
I know the orders of the planet
I know who goes around who
There's so in my space to go
There's so much body to buy

And I know if you're moving like...
Help me run out
I don't want ...
We're two bodies too far apart
So I wonder in the dark
There's no shooting star
Without you
Sand I know that where you are
You're alone too
And I know who goes around who
I close my eyes to see trails of you
And if you're moving like light you're be here
You'll be here soon
Soon soon
And there's so much space
So many memories to erase
When all this time
Share your face
When we walk back to riding out
When we may go back to blacking out
I'll be the star you move around

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  • Submitted
  • Aug 1, 2013

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